She Speaks #GoalForIt Unboxed has arrived!

I recently (just yesterday!) received my Unboxed package. The #GoalForIt box I received came with a super sweet pen (my Grandma’s favorite kind, I swear I absconded with like 10 of those things when I was a kid, sorry Nana), some cool sticky notes to write down my goals, or steps to my goals, and a small poster type paper to stick my sticky notes on and help me keep track of things. And…how could I possibly forget the awesome can of coffee that I got?? And no less, in a sweet can that I will definitely be using to decorate the kitchen in my new house. And I almost thought at first that the inspirational notecards might be cheesy, but honestly, they hit me in the feels when I read them. I got up this morning and read one and it pretty much was the only reason I got up, pumped myself up with my morning work out, and brought my ass in to work today.



Yes I was so excited to receive this package that I opened it in the car y’all.


This is definitely going to help me achieve some goals I’ve been meaning to get down to. I’ve been meaning to clean up my eating a bit (and I use that term loosely) so that I can reveal the beautiful muscles I’ve gained over the past year.

I’ve also wanted a career change (something I’ve been working on for a bit, and hopefully soon will be achieved, cross your fingers!).

Thank you She Speaks for this awesome help toward my 2017 goals ❤

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